人生を書き換える者すらいた。: 人材獲得作戦・4 試験問題ほか
************************** *S* * * * * * * ************* * * * * ************ * * * * ************** *********** * * ** *********************** * * G * * * *********** * * * * ******* * * * * * **************************
#encoding:shift-jis from __future__ import division, with_statement, print_function from myutil import * Meiro = namedtuple("Meiro", "map width height start goal") """ Meiro.map[x, y] == True if (x, y)の位置が壁 """ def open_meiro(filename): with open(filename) as fp: lines = [line.rstrip() for line in fp] while not lines[-1]: lines.pop(-1) w = max(len(line) for line in lines) h = len(lines) m = {} start = goal = None for x, y in product(xrange(w), xrange(h)): m[x, y] = False if len(lines[y]) <= x:continue if lines[y][x] == "*": m[x, y] = True elif lines[y][x] == "S": assert start is None, "there is multiple S" start = (x, y) elif lines[y][x] == "G": assert goal is None, "there is multiple G" goal = (x, y) assert start, "there is not S" assert goal, "there is not G" return Meiro(m, w, h, start, goal) def paths(meiro): paths = [[meiro.start]] visited = set([meiro.start]) i = 0 while True: paths1 = [] i += 1 for path in paths: tailx, taily = path[-1] for dx, dy in [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]: x = tailx + dx y = taily + dy if (x, y) not in meiro.map: continue if not meiro.map[x, y] and (x, y) not in visited: paths1.append(path + [(x, y)]) paths = paths1 visited = set(xy for path in paths for xy in path) if meiro.goal in visited: return [p for p in paths if p[-1] == meiro.goal] def main(): meiro = open_meiro("meiro.txt") ps = paths(meiro) def p(x):print(x, end="") for path in ps: p(" ") for x in xrange(meiro.width): p(str(x % 10)) print() for y in xrange(meiro.height): p(str(y % 10)) for x in xrange(meiro.width): if meiro.map[x, y]: p("*") elif meiro.start == (x, y): p("S") elif meiro.goal == (x, y): p("G") elif (x, y) in path: p("$") else: p(" ") print() if __name__ == "__main__": main()